Green Diversity is where climate justice stories come alive! We're rewriting the narrative, turning "climate catastrophe victims" into self-effective climate activists. Together, we're working towards a greener, fairer world.
What's in it for You?!
1. Storytelling Toolkit
Are you a youth mentor or educator? Our toolkit is your possibility to spark climate enthusiasm in the hearts of young people.
2. Global Map of Young Climate Activists
Dive into inspiring stories from young climate activists worldwide. Explore the map ► and ignite your passion for change!
3. Climate Justice Policy Box
Organizations, take note! This box is packed with ideas and guidance for promoting sustainability and climate justice in your work. Take action and start your first steps with creating and implementing your Climate Justice Policy.
Our Global Partners taking action
We're not doing this alone! Green Diversity is powered by a united group of five incredible organizations:
- Neo Sapiens (Spain) - Check them out at www.neo-sapiens.com
- LVIA - Lay Volunteers International Association (Italy) - Visit them at lvia.it
- SCI - Service Civil International (Germany) - Explore their work at www.sci-d.de
- KVT - Kansainvälinen Vapaaehtoistyö Ry (Finland) - Discover their mission at www.kvtfinland.org
- Jugend Eine Welt (Austria) - Connect with them at www.jugendeinewelt.at
Are you ready to join the Green Diversity movement? Get ready to make some noise for climate justice! Get in touch: info(at)jugendeinewelt.at

Green Diversity?! Events